I keep intending to post about things like our favorite bread recipes, or, really, anything else... but, alas, I am a "mommy blogger" to the core. There is something about just sharing life that I love. I love to read "mommy blogs" and I like to think a few people like to read what's going on with our family (I know Jordan's grandmas don't miss a post at least!), and so we come to the summary of another week.
Seriously, how cute is he? |
- I finished swapping a cracked end board and adding supports to a table for Jordan. It used to be a tall, not-very-sturdy table that sat over wire cubes in our Grace apartment to hold the microwave and toaster oven. Now it's a short, very sturdy, and durable table for Jordan... all for free! Maybe we'll paint it this summer :)
I left the table out for him to find after nap. Daddy helped him put his cars on.
Since then, it's had "tato head" on it every day :) |
- I am constantly re-learning the value of having girlfriend time. I always think I'd rather make my house neat or sit on the couch, but when I spend time with a mommy friend, especially outside the house, it brings a special renewal to my life. It's often hard for me to let go of housework for Jordan, Josh, or friends, but God is teaching me I just must! :) Also working on focusing on the fact that socializing through media can be good, but should be the minor aspect of my "social life."
- I'm working on catching up/sticking with my One Year Chronological Bible reading. The last two weeks I only did a couple days total! Being reminded, yet again, that the heart of true joy results from time devoted to relationships - God first, then my husband and son, then friends.
- As we transition to a new month, we transition to a new budget. We are still constantly amazed at how freeing sticking to a budget can be, especially since it's a tight one! Wish I could have learned the lesson earlier, but am so thankful we are learning it as early as we are!
- Jordan:
Said a four-word sentence and a three-syllable word. We forgot the sentence because we didn't write it down right away (story of my life ;)), and the three-syllable word was "microwave," perfectly understandable!
"milk! milk! Warm it up. Microwave. beep beep! [pushes buttons]" |
Still gives most of his attention to the microwave at nannying and Potato Head at home.
Now not only knows that "m-i-c-k-e-y" spells Mickey, but that "z-o-o" spells zoo. Daddy has a little song he sings about going to the "z-o-o" and Jordan responds with a cute little excited dance and says "zoo, zoo, zoo."
We love going to the zoo and playing with the Little People Zoo at nannying. I brought the Little People Zoo back to the main play space this week, and it's receiving at least as much attention as the microwave :)
He got to bring 2 animals... |
And he had to carry them no matter what :) |
Loves to use "turdle" and "lay-e-bug" to make owies feel better. Last week was the first time he really used the bead-filled, refrigerated animals to help an owie instead of just playing with them, and this week he requested them :) So cute. {Whoever gave these to us at a baby shower, thank you so much! I highly recommend them. The perfect temp for a little one to use without a cloth (which just distracts Jordan completely), flexible, and durable!}
One on each cheek, even though one cheek was hurt ;) |
Just being cute playing with lots of cars at nannying. |
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