Friday, April 26, 2013

friday five 4-25

The bests of this week... :)

  • Jordan thinks he owns the church, and has his favorite things he likes to do when he's there. This week Oliver joined him! Jordan will grab a chair and go up to the piano all on his own now. And he loves to check if mics have been left on. Also, this week, pulled Tony, our drummer, up, because he wanted the drums on, instead of just playing them off or searching for daddy :)
  • concentratey face
    Oliver wasn't so sure...
  • We went to get a Children's Museum pass and have fun Monday afternoon, instead of going to the zoo, because it was pouring rain. They're closed Mondays, ooooops {and bummer! That's our family activity day}! So we went to Toys R Us [in lieu of the drive all the way to the indoor playground at Westroads] :)
Rain! Jordan loved the Pooh umbrella. I've had it forever and it broke  the next time we opened it :(

This was his favorite :)
Just chillin' with Mickey while daddy got the van
  • The barn swallows on our porch laid their eggs. Jordan's pretty excited about the "babies". Just wait til he sees the actual birds!!!
  • Watching TV is not bad in moderation, but though it makes my life easier, and Jordan does learn things from Mickey (the only thing he really watches), I felt it was becoming too much. Then he got sick and watched lots of tv, and it was hard for both of us coming off that. So I made a sign. When it's up: no debate, tv is not available. When it's not: maybe yes, maybe no. It has helped us all! I had to make one for nannying, too. Justin kept trying to convince me Jordan was still sick enough for tv ;)
    {This has worked wonders. They see the sign and don't even bother asking. If Jordan asks and I say no, he tells me, "Sign on? Avaaable." [translation, "put up the sign. Not available."]}
  • Bought these bath color tabs. I'm in love, and Jordan liked it, too! 

It turns out, gas ovens open right up & prop open.  {Thanks, mom!}
And you should clean them more often than ... at least since we moved in.
Looks like new inside, now, though! 
{Cars!} I love listening to his dialogue when he plays with his car.

He would live outside if he could. This day at nannying he went down the slide over 20 times!
... till he hurt himself [a second time] because he insists on doing it all on his own and this one is a little fast with a big drop :)

More things we never want to forget:

  • fun phrases that we just can't get enough of!:
    "hi honey!" and "hi sweetie!"
    "school night" 
    "see you [soon, later, inamorning, a'lunch, tonight]" 
    "right back, mama, right back" 
    "I get somesing" {His excuse to run off wherever he wants... inadvertently taught him that, oops!}
    "drive my car" and "his own car"
    "Look at me! I up high!"
    "It's GONE!" 
  • Knows "W", "J" [Jordan] and "D" [daddy] every time, and can sometimes get "M" [mommy], "N" [nana], and "P" [papa], and "O". {Aparently "W" is just very memorable to him! :)}
  • Only misses "4" when counting to 11 every once in awhile now.
  • Knows his colors, but often makes a random guess when you first ask what color something is.
  • Getting better at responding with "ok" or "yes, mommy (or daddy)" and obeying instead of fussing.
  • Sleeping quite a bit better since last being sick. So thankful for a little rest again, for everyone's sake :)

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