So, I just have to say I'm super excited about this "Friday Five" thing I've started. I get excited about little things easily, and rightly so, of course! ;) This is my own, and I am going to enjoy running with it! :)
Another week; here we go! I'm feeling the details today, so hang in there :)

We got our deep freeze! On Friday night we opened our basement cellar door, which we have never taken the boards off of from the inside. We swept out 3 years worth of disgustingness: cobwebs, leaves, bugs, cotton. We also discovered we need to replace the rotten outside door (not really surprised). On Saturday, the Home Depot delivery men brought it in and I was filled with joy :)
And THEN to add to the fun... a lot of meat was on sale at a couple different places this week! It might be on a bit better sale soon, but I've just started my price tracking and decided this was enough of a sale to make it worth buying quite a bit. So on shopping day I stocked up on some meat! Josh's pizza (he eats one every Monday while I'm gone shopping) was also on the best sale they have for it, so I stocked up, of course! We packaged the meat for the freezer, and in it went! I also browned a bunch of the hamburger we bought, so it can be popped out of the freezer, thawed, and into the dish I'm cooking. A friend suggested this awhile back after one of my Simplify posts, and I have found this to be SO helpful!
I got some baskets from the dollar store to help keep things organized, too. That was my favorite part :)

Full of meat... and pizza! The purple basket is full of one pound packs of browned hamburger. |
On Tuesday I felt good as a mama and wife. Jordan and I had a very fun day, with lots of playing and a visit to the zoo (it had been TOO long! Just wished we could've gone on Monday with daddy). Some days it's hard for me balance my play time with Jordan and it always feels great {and helps both our attitudes!} when we have great play time! It didn't hurt that Jordan usually takes super naps on Tuesdays, too :) Also, there's just something about making yummy meals for my family that makes me feel good: I made my first lasagna, from my mom's recipe. Now I just need to get Jordan to eat the yummy food. I welcome any tips on feeding picky children.
The eels were one of his favorites this time :) |
Ready to go! |
My layering was a little off, but you couldn't tell! |
- The weekend brought a bunch of extra potty accidents. WHAAAAAAT?! Then I realized Jordan was back to health and back to drinking his normal amount after being sick... which means visiting the potty twice as often! Little dude loves, loves to fill his tummy with milk and water.
While we're on the potty subject (some of you may want to skip this one ;))... On Thursday, I decided it was a good day to stick to my guns and make Jordan go back to sleep when he only slept an hour, since reminding him had totally not been working. He was just playing around for about an hour after waking, then cried for a little bit, and then sat down very quiet, I watched him play with his blanket for a couple minutes, then he laid down and went back to sleep. When he woke up doing a weird cry, I ran up, only to realize in the busyness of taking care of kids, I forgot to put a diaper on for nap time. Playing with his blanket? He was cleaning up his poop :( Oops! Guess I won't forget that again any time soon!
{Side note... he's taking a good nap as I type this in the afternoon! Praise the Lord :)}
I couldn't resist including a picture! |
- We finished our first official full month on our new budget as we go through Financial Peace University and work to pay off all our school debts asap. We did great! One of the hardest things is eating out less, but we've been trying to do that less for health reasons, too, and it hasn't been too bad! It feels good to tell our money where to go and have a "plan" we know God would approve of :)
Jordan Five:
Favorite phrases this week: "I funny!" "Bible [tells me] so," "Call daddy," and "Call Nana!"
Today the boys were playing on the treadmill, and Jordan picks his legs up, swings, and says, "Weeee!" I have kept the older boys from doing this when he's awake for the most part, but whenever he saw them do it, he must've stuck that idea in his pocket for later!
"Weeeee!" |
When we ask him to come, he lets us know, "I coming!"
Some colors and numbers are starting to stick! Blue and green are his favorites, and he gets them right 75% of the time. He likes to dance around saying, "one, two, free."
He likes to pick out clothes for him and us, and does a great job of putting dirty clothes away in the hamper. These skills got honed in on with two days full of accidents :)
For all who have asked about our potty training method, I am writing about how much we recommend it and will be hosting a giveaway of the book as well! For sure posting within the next week, stay tuned! :)
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