Tuesday, August 5, 2014

New Habits

I figured it out. I started writing about my desire to be less about me and more about God in October 2012, and decided it really all fell under the topic of Faithfulness. I realized today that the component of faithfulness that God has been laying on my heart for some time is.... discipline. Really many of my other posts could fall under that topic as well. I think I've been fighting the need to work on my self-control and spiritual disciplines.

Attentive, purposeful discipline in some key areas are what I need to really repair my foundation.

Goals, lists, blah blah - you know that's how I work, so that's what's helping me succeed right now. Also, really just being realistic. It's ok for most things that "need" done to be on my list a really long time, most don't need an expiration date! The expiration date of the needs of my faith, family, friends, and health are much more important.

I'm proud to share one list, though: the areas I see the most progress in my efforts. It was amazing how encouraged I felt after sitting down to think this list through!
  • Working out regularly. Thanks C25K app (couch to 5k) and Revelation Wellness! (And thanks, dad, for the new bike tire!)
  • Less phone/computer/tv time, more quality time with my loves, actually just resting, and getting more things done (instead of my usual: sit in front of a screen, then complain that nothing ever gets checked off my list!)
  • Less yelling, more patience. Stop, breathe, listen, then react.
  • Regular devotions, prayer, and more much-needed talk time with my hubby. 
  • More quality time spent with people outside the four males that dominate most of my attention (hubby, son, two boys I nanny).
  • More praying. 
The top area I want to see more progress: Bible reading! I read more now than I ever have in my life before. But I'm still way behind in my reading through the Bible in a year. I don't want to finish it just to do it, I want to grow as Jesus' disciple by delving into God's word!

Check back soon for life/Jordan updates, PLUS an update from Josh's mission trip to Costa Rica! Check out a few updates their mission organization leader has posted here on the Praying Pelican site, or on Benson Baptist's Facebook. Pray for the team and all those they are encountering and impacting for Christ this week!

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