Five family things from the past couple weeks.
1. Finally got my bottom wisdom teeth taken out. Papa and Nana K helped us out. Those teeth gave me a much greater appreciation (?) for the pain my little boy goes through with teething. The first time I had pain from them, he got his first molars; then I was having major (as in life-affecting) pain, when his top 2-year-molars broke through the skin; then his bottom 2-years broke through the week I had my teeth taken out.
My favorite part of having them taken out, besides extra time to relax and watch way too much Parenthood, was Jordan's sweetness. His gentle loves, touches, words, checking on me in my room, and asking often, "You growing teeth feeling better and better, mommy?"
2. Our church is a "hub" for Operation Christmas Child, and we love packing shoeboxes for children in other countries every year. It was a super joy for us, as parents, to share that with Jordan this year. To have him actually come to an understanding of choosing a toy at the store to give away, even though he really liked it. When we were doing the final packing, he really wanted to keep at least one thing, and grabbed a "Cars" car. When I reminded him that another little boy would really like it, and otherwise could not get such a toy from his parents or grandparents, he tossed the car and ran away into the living room... to his car bucket, and said, "I have all these cars!" Nailed it. We both teared up.
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The youth helping pack up! |
4. Also got to meet our newest niece, Hadley. I sure hope I get to hold new niece Abigail at Christmas, and looking forward to new nephew Andrew at Thanksgiving! I thoroughly enjoyed getting to hold Hadley at only a few days old!
Lots of new babies for our family and friends, Jordan's baby radar is up, and he's much more aware of others having baby brothers and sisters and he doesn't. He has put his lovey up my shirt and told me I was going to have a brother or sister for him :) [He didn't really get to meet Hadley since he was sick, just a peek in her carseat when we ate out together.]
Lots of new babies for our family and friends, Jordan's baby radar is up, and he's much more aware of others having baby brothers and sisters and he doesn't. He has put his lovey up my shirt and told me I was going to have a brother or sister for him :) [He didn't really get to meet Hadley since he was sick, just a peek in her carseat when we ate out together.]
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I wanted to snuggle her forever. I love tiny babies! |
5. Jordan is often around as I go through ads and coupons each week, as was evidenced by his excitement at seeing ads the other day when he got up from nap. He hopped up on the couch and started browsing. "I look at my ads. I see, I see what's on sale at the library!" Ha. Page flip, saw some meat, "Hot dogs on sale at Hyvee!" For a second I thought I actually missed something ;)
I'm so thankful for the ways he likes to copy my housework, and for the skills he is learning so innocently and easily now!
I'm so thankful for the ways he likes to copy my housework, and for the skills he is learning so innocently and easily now!
- First experience licking the beater
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He cleaned it with impressive, natural skill ;) |
- First car ramp build with daddy. It has gotten tons of use since!
- Jordan likes to sing along, can sing twinkle twinkle the best and can sing the whole song! Also loves to sing our favorites (that I've probably listed but can't recall...): Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul, Build Your Kingdom Here, Indescribable, and You Are My All in All. My favorite is when he randomly sings a line of a song that we must hear on the radio often, and I'm thankful he's being filled with encouragement and songs about Jesus.
- Loves puzzles a lot, and has gotten really good at them. We love seeing his concentration and work ethic as he does the puzzles!
- Spaghetti is "skabetti" and potato is "tupatato".
- Really loves super tight hugs right now.
- Still loving to have us lay down with him and snuggle before going to sleep.
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