Recently God spoke to me through a show my sweet boy likes to watch, Wonder Pets. Seriously? Yes, indeed!
There is an episode where Ming Ming duck decides to try to save some animals on her own (instead of the usual teamwork) and while on her way she sings a sweet song, ending with the line, "Here I am, world, I'm great!" Well, in true fashion, at least one line from every show watched has to be stuck in mommy's head, and that's always the one from that episode. The thing is every time I sing it in my head I sing, "Here I am, Lord, I'm great!" As I stood doing the dishes singing the line to myself one day, I realized... There is a HUGE difference between those two lines! Then God asked me, "Do you know the difference? Do you live the difference?" Yikes. I thought about it for one moment before a little boy came toddling in the kitchen, yelling, "Mommy!" and asked me to pick him up to dance to Me Without You by Toby Mac on the radio. :D
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
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